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Best CS:S Private Server Provider?
Total of answers: 4

I dont' know why, just got email that someone actually joined website, so I just post it here to have it updated...
Views: 9181 | Added by: Aleks | Date: 2009-01-17 | Comments (16)

Just keeping it up by posting right now...
Views: 971 | Added by: Aleks | Date: 2008-01-13 | Comments (1)

SO I wanna be optimistic, and I know that's not the nest times for us now, and I guese enzo died, but I'd keep website, and info of us to contact, so maybe in a time we'd come back....
Sometimes it needs it takes to steps back to get one step forward...
Views: 937 | Added by: Aleks | Date: 2007-10-19 | Comments (0)

I am asking that we can get as many CSS players on as possible. I have something very important to talk about with you guys. Hopefully FEAR will be on tonight and if he isnt we are still going to have the meeting as this is my last night with enZo.
Views: 1013 | Added by: Quickdraw | Date: 2007-10-18 | Comments (1)

We need our team on at the same time so we can get some good early practice in.Sunny said he knows some strats for T side on contra but he is only able to get on between 2-4 central...
Views: 875 | Added by: Sinful_FEAR | Date: 2007-10-04 | Comments (0)

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